How to bring your team onboard the Meal Kit train

How to bring your team onboard the Meal Kit train

We all know how Meal Kits can contribute to your revenue stream. Some of the bad reputations it has received is because of the negative publicity around it but it is definitely not so. The perfect example is ourselves. The management of Dailykit were not always Technology Evangelists but Restaurant Owners themselves to begin with. 

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Now as the Owners of a successful Restaurant, when we wanted to start something new, it wasn’t always easy but we made it work. Here are some of the steps to took to successfully integrate Meal Kits into our Revenue stream. 

  1. Lead By Example: 

When we got the idea of adding Meal Kits, we had to lead by example just to show how simple it is indeed to pack a Meal Kit. We stepped into the Kitchen and packed a few Meal Kits on our own to show our staff how we did it. When they saw this, it gave them a lot of confidence that they could do it as well. 

    2. Incentivize your staff 

Immediately when you pack your Meal Kits and show how easy it is, your staff would be brimming of confidence. This is when you swoop in and incentivize your staff for doing Meal Kits. This incentive can be a margin of the number of Meal Kits sold or even a fixed amount that you can pay extra to 1 or 2 people on a monthly basis. Reward system has always worked and there’s no reason why it won’t now. 


   3. Empower your Staff and Chef

Now that you have taken a position for Meal Kits, its time to empower your staff and mainly your chef to come up with something creative. This can be a new recipe that you can reserve just for Meal Kits. This way you are giving them responsibility and making them feel empowered in your new addition to the restaurant’s revenue stream. 

   4. Make them understand the bigger picture

Meal Kits are not only adding revenue to your Restaurant but also helping you avoid Food Wastage. This is a problem almost all Restaurants struggle with without any real solutions to this problem. But now you do. The fact that you would be starting Meal Kits will help you use up all the inventory for the day which would otherwise be wasted. Make your staff an integral part of this solution and allow them to feel special about. 

Not only are they helping reduce food wastage, they are also helping your customers do the same. Your customers are buying ingredients in bulk to replicate what they consumed at your restaurant and wasting the leftover inventory. With the recipes your staff make, your customers are now buying them from you and not wasting any more food. So the contribution to the eco-system just by you is immense. 
